Business Law Articles

When Registering a Fictitious Name Filing is Required For LLCs

Choosing a business name is an important step in forming your business. There is a lot of confusion over how to properly register your business name or trade name. The first thing you’ll want to do is file an LLC. If you are unsure about what you want to name your business or you are stuck between two names for your business, that is alright because if you ever want to operate business under another name, all you have to do is file a Fictitious Name Filing with the Department of State.

The first thing to understand is that a single LLC can operate several businesses. A separate LLC is not required for every business that the LLC operates. If a single business entity wants to operate multiple businesses, all the business would have to do is file a Fictitious Name Filing, also known as an Assumed Name Certificate …

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Does an individually-owned LLC with no employees need an EIN?

LLC EIN RequirementsThere has been some confusion as to whether an EIN is required for an individual LLC owner who does not have any employees.

Choosing LLC Tax Status

When a multi-member LLC is formed, it must choose how it wishes to be taxed. It can be taxed as either a partnership or a corporation, including an S-corporation. Form 8832 must be filed with IRS if the business wishes to be taxed as a corporation. Otherwise, the default tax structure is that of a partnership.

Individually-Owned LLCs

However, what if the LLC has just one owner and no employees? Under this scenario, the LLC is considered a “disregarded” entity. For income tax purposes, the entity will be taxed as a sole proprietorship. Like a multi-member LLC, the LLC can always elect to be taxed as a corporation by filing form 8832.

LLC EIN Laws and Requirements

The next question is if there …

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Required Employer Postings In Pennsylvania

Every Pennsylvania employer is required to post certain notices within the workplace. Failure to post the required notices may result in liability including fines, penalties, or liquidated damages.

Here is a general checklist of notices that must be posted by employers:

  • Minimum Wage Law and Fact Sheet – Form No. LLC-1 – Contact the Department of Labor and Industry (717-787-4671)
  • Abstract of Equal Pay Law – Form No. LLC-8 – Contact the Department of Labor and Industry (717-787-4671)
  • Unemployment Compensation Form – Form UC-700 – Contact the Department of Labor and Industry (717-783-3140)
  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance Posting – Form LIBC-500 – Contact the Department of Labor and Industry (717-783-5421)
  • Employment Provisions of the PA Human Relations Act – Contact the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (717-772-2845)

Please consult with an attorney to determine if any additional notices are required to be posted in your workplace.

In some cases, additional notices may …

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Welcome to Zawarski Law’s Blog

Welcome to the blog for the Law Office of Zachary Zawarski. If you want to read more about me and my background, please visit the About Me page. I wanted to briefly mention to purpose of this blog.

As a lawyer, it is my personal goal to be a valuable resource for small businesses and startups in the Lehigh Valley. I’ve always been fascinated by the innovations of startups in this country. Being involved with developing websites since 1998, before the internet boom even began, has given me a unique perspective of the possibilities that exist for young, creative-minded individuals to truly make revolutionary changes to the way we conduct our ordinary lives. Whether it’s enhancing the way we communicate or simply making our life easier and more productive, our country is full of innovation.

I’ll be using this blog to post articles on various aspects of business and the …

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